“But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.”
~ Luke 5:16 ~
Have you ever wondered how Jesus was able to just speak and demons would flee, disease would disappear, and self-condemnation would self-destruct? We are told that we have the same power and authority that Jesus possessed, yet so often we walk in defeat instead of victory. Why do we seemingly struggle so greatly in these areas? Although it is true that we have an adversary that “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8), we do not have to fall prey to his antics, nor do we have to remain oppressed!!
If we want to walk in the same authority and victory in which Jesus walked, we must learn to emulate Him in all His actions. The most important thing that Jesus ever did (outside of His crucifixion and resurrection) was to spend time with His Father. He was in such constant communication with Him that every time Satan tried to tempt Him or to cause Him harm or defeat, Jesus did not have to hesitate or question which decision to make. Jesus made a point to keep His quiet time with His Father. He learned to put His own will and desires aside in order to honor the will of His Father. He knew the will of His Father and He walked in the confidence and full authority of that knowledge.
I encourage you to take an honest look at your own life today. When was the last time you spent quality time with the Lord? When you prayed, did you do all the talking or did you take time to just listen? When you are faced with something that you really do not want, I hope that you can learn to do as Jesus did in Matthew 26:39, when He “fell on His face and prayed, saying…’yet not as I will, but as You will.’” Be encouraged, dear ones, for we were created for relationship with our Heavenly Father and He would love nothing more than to spend time with you today!!
Thank you Jennifer that helps me at this time.