Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Present Awareness

How aware are we of God's presence in our lives? Do we only acknowledge Him when we need Him? Is He simply an accessory we use to make ourselves look good to fellow believers? Are we just using God to get what we want?

Whoa! I'm sure that last question made some take offense. Perhaps you were with me right up until the end. But if we were truly honest with ourselves, how many of us would admit that our awareness of who God is and where God is affects our daily walk with Him?Just for fun, let's take a little test...

How was our attitude in just the past hour?

When was the last time you gossiped about someone?

What kind of television shows did you watch in the last 24 hours?

What was the last movie you saw?

When was the last time you sat down to read your Bible - outside of church?

When was the last time you prayed - for someone other than yourself?

What were your last 3 Facebook posts about?

This is in no means meant to criticize or judge anyone. Trust me when I tell you I am the first one that needs to work on my attitude and relationship. But I do want to be more aware. I want to be the one that non-believers make fun of because I am so in love with my Savior. I want to be the one that is not ashamed to stand up for truth, no matter what the cost. I want the world to see Jesus when they look at me. But I know that in order to make that happen, I need to reprioritize some things in my life. I need to put my selfish desires and my pride aside and allow the Holy Spirit to completely change me. I need to constantly be aware of God's Hand at work in my life. I need to recognize when He does something - no matter how seemingly small - not just the obvious. I need to be more diligent in seeking Him out. Above all, I need - and want - to be so aware of His presence that I always know I am not alone. I am a continual work in progress, and someday I will be perfected in Him. But until that day comes, Lord Jesus, make Your presence in my life known!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Free to Dance

Recently, my 4 year old daughter Hannah and I were at Wal-Mart, standing in line at the Customer Service Desk. This particular day the line was rather long, and as we waited, Hannah began to dance. Completely unaware of those around her, oblivious as to whether or not they were even paying her any attention, she just lived out what was in her heart. As I continued watching her, I pondered in my heart her uninhibited will to do exactly what she desires, regardless of what anyone else might think.

Since that day I have relived that moment in my mind quite often. At four years old, Hannah is completely innocent. She has not yet lived long enough to allow the world and its judgmental tones to affect the decisions she makes or to cloud her judgment. I think back to my younger days and try to remember when it was that I stopped acting in my innocence and began living in my carnal understanding and prejudiced realities.

I challenge you to start living out whatever it is that God has placed inside of your heart. Regardless of what others might think – good or bad – choose to be obedient to His calling on your life. You will be amazed at how freeing obedience really is!!