Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Such a nasty word; such an ugly connotation. What an image BETRAYAL portrays!! Whenever we hear the word, most of us can immediately think of a time in our lives when we were betrayed by someone we trusted. Perhaps it was a co-worker, a friend, or even a relative. Regardless of who hurt us, the pain runs deep. No one likes to be betrayed. Certainly no one ever asks for it. Yet undoubtedly, we have all experienced this pain in one form or another.

As you relive the emotional roller coaster (or perhaps you may even be in the thrusts of the situation now), anger and bitterness, hurt and humiliation, raw physical pain sweep over you. If you have never dealt with the betrayal – never completely turned it over entirely to the Lord – your heart still hurts from the pain inflicted upon you.

Yet as we look to Jesus for our example of how to live out every situation, we find a very unique perspective of betrayal. You see, the one that ultimately betrayed Jesus – arguably more than anyone else – was Judas. Judas turned Jesus over to be crucified for thirty pieces of silver. And yet, Jesus knew in advance not only that He would be betrayed, but by whom…and He chose him anyway.

When Jesus chose His twelve (12) disciples, He knew exactly who they were, and more importantly, what their hearts were like. He knew exactly what He was doing when He made His choices, yet He still chose the specific twelve for a purpose. He knew that Judas would betray Him, yet He still chose to walk with Him everyday. They shared meals together, laughed and cried together, lived life together. And when the time came for Judas to carry out the betrayal, Jesus chose not only to continue loving him, but ultimately to forgive.

So I wonder who in your life you need to forgive today. Who has betrayed you? Who has hurt you so deeply that you have chosen to walk away and cut them out of your life forever? Although I most definitely an advocate of setting healthy boundaries for ourselves, I also see the need for forgiveness. You see, forgiveness doesn't say that what the person that hurt you did was right or even okay, but it does release you from the pain and bitterness that ultimately turns your heart black and cold. Forgiveness is what Christ asks of us. It was the choice He made, and He is our perfect example.

Jesus loves unconditionally – while even knowing in advance all of the sins that we will commit. Yet He chooses to forgive us and continue in relationship with us. He wants to walk with us daily, even when we betray Him again and again with our words and our actions. If He can forgive us of so much, who are we to stand in such judgment of someone else? I urge you today, brothers and sisters, choose forgiveness. Choose to walk in the freedom that true forgiveness brings. You will be amazed at how good it feels!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Equipping Center

Recently, as I was on my way back home for a funeral, I had a few hours to spend with the Lord while I was driving. He and I began a dialogue regarding the church in which my husband and I were installed as Senior Pastors only two weeks ago today. As I was asking Him how we could best care for His children and do the most good, He began to give me a fresh revelation on how we should view the church today.

In the past, I have often viewed the church as a Spiritual Hospital. To me it was a place to go when you were spiritually sick or dying. The church was there to pray with you and to point out the areas in your life that were causing your sickness, resulting in trials and tribulations that most often overwhelmed you and kept you from walking in the abundant life which God promised us in His Word (John 10:10). Although I still believe that the church is a resource for those that are spiritually sick or dying, God began to show me that it is so much more!!

He told me to start looking at the church as an Equipping Center for both the lost and the believers. As such, we come together to receive the tools, teaching and training necessary to combat our enemy and to fulfill the Great Commission as laid out before us in Matthew 28:19-20, when Jesus said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age". 

In a hospital, you find those who are treated for their illness, and as soon as they are feeling better they are sent home and told to rest and take it easy for awhile. In an Equipping Center, you find those who are eager to learn and receive hands-on training ~ practical application for your daily walk. When you leave an Equipping Center, you are not told to go home and rest. On the contrary, you are told to go out and put what you have learned into action!!

I am so excited for this fresh revelation and for what it means for our church. I know that it will definitely change the way I approach both ministry and teaching. I am excited to see what new lessons the Lord will reveal and how He will best be glorified. Everything that we do is to bring glory and honor to His name. 

Do you know Jesus? Have you asked Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life? As we are approaching the Easter holiday, we are reminded not only of Christ's sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins, but His glorious resurrection as well!! We do serve a risen Savior who is very much alive today. He sits at the right hand of His Father, and one day He will return for His children. Will you be one of them? If you are not sure, I would love the opportunity to visit with you. Please contact me or your local pastor and make sure you know without a doubt that if you were to die today, you would go to Heaven. God Bless!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Present Awareness

How aware are we of God's presence in our lives? Do we only acknowledge Him when we need Him? Is He simply an accessory we use to make ourselves look good to fellow believers? Are we just using God to get what we want?

Whoa! I'm sure that last question made some take offense. Perhaps you were with me right up until the end. But if we were truly honest with ourselves, how many of us would admit that our awareness of who God is and where God is affects our daily walk with Him?Just for fun, let's take a little test...

How was our attitude in just the past hour?

When was the last time you gossiped about someone?

What kind of television shows did you watch in the last 24 hours?

What was the last movie you saw?

When was the last time you sat down to read your Bible - outside of church?

When was the last time you prayed - for someone other than yourself?

What were your last 3 Facebook posts about?

This is in no means meant to criticize or judge anyone. Trust me when I tell you I am the first one that needs to work on my attitude and relationship. But I do want to be more aware. I want to be the one that non-believers make fun of because I am so in love with my Savior. I want to be the one that is not ashamed to stand up for truth, no matter what the cost. I want the world to see Jesus when they look at me. But I know that in order to make that happen, I need to reprioritize some things in my life. I need to put my selfish desires and my pride aside and allow the Holy Spirit to completely change me. I need to constantly be aware of God's Hand at work in my life. I need to recognize when He does something - no matter how seemingly small - not just the obvious. I need to be more diligent in seeking Him out. Above all, I need - and want - to be so aware of His presence that I always know I am not alone. I am a continual work in progress, and someday I will be perfected in Him. But until that day comes, Lord Jesus, make Your presence in my life known!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Free to Dance

Recently, my 4 year old daughter Hannah and I were at Wal-Mart, standing in line at the Customer Service Desk. This particular day the line was rather long, and as we waited, Hannah began to dance. Completely unaware of those around her, oblivious as to whether or not they were even paying her any attention, she just lived out what was in her heart. As I continued watching her, I pondered in my heart her uninhibited will to do exactly what she desires, regardless of what anyone else might think.

Since that day I have relived that moment in my mind quite often. At four years old, Hannah is completely innocent. She has not yet lived long enough to allow the world and its judgmental tones to affect the decisions she makes or to cloud her judgment. I think back to my younger days and try to remember when it was that I stopped acting in my innocence and began living in my carnal understanding and prejudiced realities.

I challenge you to start living out whatever it is that God has placed inside of your heart. Regardless of what others might think – good or bad – choose to be obedient to His calling on your life. You will be amazed at how freeing obedience really is!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Perfectionism = Legalism

Perfectionism = Legalism

OUCH!! This was my revelation this morning.

For those that know me well, you know that I wrestle constantly with perfection. Countless times I have began writing a book entitled “Perils of Perfection”, only to tear it up and begin again because it wasn’t “Perfect”. To many this may seem absurd. Of course I am not perfect, nor will I ever be (this side of Heaven). There was only one man that ever walked this earth that was perfect, and I am certainly not Him!! But despite my intellect continually screaming this reality at me, I continue to strive for perfection.

I have found this to be both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing when it forces me to do my very best. It is a blessing when I am helping someone in need. I am certainly not going to give them less than my personal best! It is a blessing when it makes me want to be a better person.

It is a curse when it keeps me from accomplishing anything. It is a curse when my children feel like they are not “good enough” because my expectations are unrealistic and unattainable. It is a curse when it becomes so paralyzing that I can no longer function within the realms of reality.

Roughly 15 years ago, perfectionism almost became my complete undoing. After being faced with a situation ~ and ironically, actually succeeding at it ~ the stress of it came crashing over me so fiercely that it literally knocked me off my feet. Subsequently, I suffered an emotional breakdown, was forced to take a Family Medical Leave of Absence from my job, and began counseling. Unfortunately, the counseling did not help me at all, as it was not Bible-based, and thus we never truly addressed the root of the problem. I ended up quitting my job (which was where the problem began) and did a complete 180 on my career path. In essence, I swept the issue under the proverbial rug and entered back into my own sense of warped reality.

Fast forward now all these years later, and this past weekend I once again allowed perfectionism to overcome my physical self and try to paralyze and keep me from doing what I know God has called me to do. Although I did not immediately recognize it for what it was, I was blessed to be surrounded by people who unknowingly addressed the very issues I was internally battling.

As I began to contemplate the ramifications of what they were saying, the Holy Spirit began a new work within me. Over the course of the past 4 days, I have not been able to let go of this issue. Finally, I received a new revelation this morning.

Perfectionism = Legalism.


As someone who grew up indoctrinated in legalism, I can assure you this is the last place I want to be!! And yet, here I am smack in the middle of it once again. You see, legalism tells you that if you do not follow the letter of the law, there is no hope for you. Legalism tells you that one mistake results in judgment and condemnation. Legalism tells you that you will never be “good enough”.

But my God tells me, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” ~ Romans 8:1. My God tells me “He is the God of hope, and He will fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that I will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Romans 15:13. My God says that “I am made in His image, according to His likeness. ~ Genesis 1:26.

So with this new revelation begins a new journey for me. I covet your prayers at this time in my life. Making character and identity changes are never an easy task. However, I am excited to live out 2 Corinthians 5:17, which states “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” I am proud to say that I am a daughter of the King, and I am putting off my old self to become a new creation in Him.

I am going to start this journey by not correcting the mistakes that I have already found in this writing. For all of you English & Grammar majors, please do not cringe too much. J

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


During this time of year, I am often asked why my family chooses not to celebrate Halloween, so I wanted to take this opportunity to express our convictions. Before I do however, I want to make it clear that I in no way stand in judgment of anyone that chooses to celebrate this holiday – that is neither my place nor my desire. The Holy Spirit is the only one that can bring about convictions, and He has certainly done that in our lives.

When my oldest two children were little, both my husband and myself did celebrate Halloween. At that time, I viewed the holiday as completely harmless. It was fun to dress my boys in cute little costumes and take them around to family and friends, showing them off and letting them get candy. Quite frankly, I never thought beyond just that, as to what the holiday was actually about. In my mind, it was completely innocent.

A few years later, a friend and I were talking about why she chose to not celebrate Halloween. At that time, I must admit that I thought she was completely over-the-top and just a bit too “fanatic” for me. Although I completely respected her and her decision for her family, I did not agree that it was right for me to follow suit. However, something inside of me really began to stir and the more I considered our conversation, the more uneasy I began to feel. My husband and I had extensive conversations on the subject, and we began to pray about the situation and set out to study and find out for ourselves what this holiday was really all about.

Thousands of years ago in Europe, there were groups of people known as the Celtics. The Celtic people were pagan Druids whose major celebrations were marked by the seasons. They were very superstitious and their lives depended on the growth of their crops and a successful harvest. They began a celebration known as the Samhain Festival (pronounced “sow” “en”), whereby they would observe the end of summer sacrifices to gods in Druidic tradition. Since Samhain is loosely translated “Summer’s End”, it was during this time that they would bring in the last of their crops, store up food, and prepare animals for slaughter and sacrifice. This was an important time for them as they celebrated the beginning of the “dark season” known as winter.

The Celts believed the curtain – or veil – dividing the living and the dead lifted during Samhain to allow the spirits of the dead to walk among the living, looking for bodies in which they could inhabit. They believed that Samhain – the lord of death – was sent by evil spirits to attack humans. The only way that the humans could escape was by wearing disguises and looking like the evil spirits themselves. It was thought that if one were dressed to appear as if they were already dead, the evil spirits might assume they were one of the ghostly spirits roaming about and leave them alone. It was also during this time that they would begin to carve out scary and ghoulish faces in turnips (which later became the carved pumpkins that we know today) in an effort to ward off the evil spirits. Spirits who were not suitably “treated” would “trick” those who had neglected them. The fear of haunting only multiplied if that spirit had been offended during its natural lifetime.

Samhain also became a time to honor the dead. They would set out food on their doorsteps for the wandering souls of the deceased. They would turn to divination to discern the future and seek protection. Many forms of witchcraft were employed and carried out during this time.

Another critical part of the celebration of Samhain was the lighting of large bonfires. These bonfires were thought to be a cleansing ritual and various symbolic acts would be performed during the fires, such as throwing the bones of newly slaughtered livestock into the flames and other forms of sacrifice.

After discovering the way that Halloween originated, I could no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that the history and practices of this holiday are rooted in spiritism and mysticism. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I cannot knowingly partake in anything that is in direct opposition to my beliefs. We do live in a spiritual world filled with both goodness from God and evil from Satan. Ephesians 6:12 states that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” However, Christ has power over all darkness and we do not have to live in fear!

Although we live in this world, we are not to be of this world. We are to separate ourselves from the darkness and allow Christ’s light to shine through us. I believe that Halloween allows us the opportunity to do just that – to separate ourselves from the rest of the world and live as an example for those that are searching for truth.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” ~ Romans 12:2

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Letting Go...

The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God.
What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.
~ C.S. Lewis

There comes a time in all of our lives that we must let go of something or someone. Whether by choice or otherwise, letting go is never an easy thing to do. Sometimes we have the advantage of knowing ahead of time that the loss is coming. Other times we are caught off guard and the loss hits us so unexpectedly we wonder how we will ever possibly recover. Sometimes the loss is temporary. Other times the loss is permanent. Whatever the situation, we all face loss at various times throughout our lives and we must learn the best way to deal with it.

I had to deal with the loss of my dad unexpectedly. I was completely devastated. For the longest time I felt such a hole in my heart that I didn’t think it would ever heal. In so many ways, that loss seemingly tore my family apart. As a result, I not only lost my father, but I lost other relationships that were important to me. Death is a loss that is simply unspeakable for those that are left behind.

As recently as last week, I had to begin dealing with the loss of all of my children not being home during the day. Although it was an expected loss – my kids are growing up and my youngest started preschool – the hurt was still the same. I had to find a way to cope with the hole that was left in my heart. You see, my daughter was born prematurely and we didn’t know for sure if she would survive or not. She is truly a miracle!! I so treasure everyday that I have with her, that to send her off to school – even for half a day – was a really big loss for me. Yet everyday when I go to pick her up, she greets me with the biggest grin and runs into my arms. I am then reminded that letting go is part of the growing up process, and that is what I prayed for her for so long. I wanted her to be able to grow up and do all the normal things that other kids got to do. She is my answer to prayer.

Sometimes loss can be a good thing. Choosing to lose our anger, bitterness, resentment, or even jealousy is something that many of us need. This is not only an affordable loss, but a commanded one. Scripture teaches to “Put aside all anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.” ~ Colossians 3:8

My friend, what loss are you facing today? Is your loss temporary or permanent? Is there something that you are holding onto that you need to let go of? Whether your loss is unexpected or not, God knows the difficulty with which you struggle in letting go. He Himself faced loss when He allowed His only begotten son to suffer and die to save us from our sins. He not only understands how we feel, He also sympathizes with us. However, wanting only the best for each of us, He wants to walk alongside of you and carry you through this time. Allow Him to be your strength and comfort. Allow Him to fill the hole that is created by your loss. He loves you more than you can possibly imagine, and He is simply waiting for you to open your heart and invite Him in.